5 Wellness Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

By | October 10, 2023

Wellness and Prevention

When it comes to healthy living, the definition looks a lot different for everyone. However, there are some things that every person should make a priority.

These wellness tips can help you take control of your health and get on the right track to feeling your best. 1. See your doctor regularly.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is vital for your physical and mental health. Sleeping well helps maintain healthy blood pressure, lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of diabetes. It also reduces the body’s production of hunger hormones and promotes a healthy weight.

Sleep deprivation can perpetuate serious health conditions, such as high blood pressure and heart disease. Lack of sleep can also impair your mood, motivation and ability to think clearly.

Try to get seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night. Practice good sleep hygiene, such as avoiding caffeine after 12pm, turning off all screens before you go to bed and sleeping in a dark room. Try using an app to help you track your sleep. It may even help you set an achievable sleep goal!

Eat Healthy

Eating healthy is a key component to overall wellness. Healthy eating includes a balanced diet that meets the body’s nutrient needs for every age and life stage to help prevent chronic diseases.

Eating healthily looks different for everyone, but it should include mostly whole foods (such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains), low-fat dairy products and protein sources like fish, beans and nuts, as well as limited amounts of unprocessed, saturated and trans fats and added sugars.

Make smart choices at mealtimes by taking the time to eat slowly and chewing your food well, and choosing smaller portion sizes. Avoid high-sugar drinks such as soda and juice, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Avoid unnecessary extras such as fatty sauces and salad dressings.

Move Your Body

When most people hear “healthy movement”, they think exercise. They imagine cardio, crunches, and fitness models. They envision a 6am Hot Detox Spin-Late Pump class or an entire weekend of Instagram-worthy self-punishment.

However, healthy movement is much more than that. It’s a way of life.

Moving our bodies helps strengthen muscles, improve bone density, lubricate joints and even boosts immune function. It also increases mood and reduces anxiety and depression.

There are many ways to move your body, including walking, swimming, playing a sport or dance class, gardening, or even stretching while watching TV or doing chores. Just make sure to avoid anything that leads to pain or exhaustion. Aim for 30 minutes of movement on most days, breaking that up into three 10-minute sessions if necessary.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough fluids can prevent dehydration and promote optimal health. While water is best, other non-caffeinated beverages (like low-fat milk and herbal teas) are also good choices and can offer nutrients and electrolytes.

Hydrating first thing in the morning can aid digestion, enhance skin health and boost energy. It’s also important to sip water during outdoor activity, especially in hot weather, to avoid dehydration.

Athletes who sweat heavily may need to drink more water than those who don’t, and some people with certain medical conditions, like cystic fibrosis, should take special precautions to ensure adequate fluid intake. Thirst is not a reliable indicator of dehydration, so it’s important to check the color of your urine. Light-colored urine means you’re well-hydrated; dark-colored urine can indicate dehydration.

Stay Connected

While it’s easy to fall off the wagon every now and again (and even qualified experts can sometimes disagree on what’s healthy), there are many wellness tips that are well supported by research. For example, studies have shown that feeling connected — through friends and family, volunteerism, random acts of kindness and more — lowers stress levels, improves mental health and immune function, and decreases depression symptoms.

It’s also important to schedule regular wellness exams and health/disease screenings to keep your body functioning at its best. Finally, don’t forget to reserve time each day for activities you enjoy! This can be anything from a morning run to a night of reading a good book. Just be sure to make it a priority! You deserve it.