World of Warcraft Gold Game Tips

By | October 6, 2023

WoW Classic Gold Farming Guide - The Best 100+ Gold Making Tips For WoW  Classic

WoW gold is a valuable asset in the game and there are a number of ways to acquire it quickly and efficiently. This article will cover a few of the most popular methods.

One of the best methods for earning a lot of WoW gold is through farming older content. This usually involves killing monsters until they stop respawning and then selling the items they drop.


Whether you’re playing on a fresh server or simply want an extra source of income, raw gold farming is one of the best ways to make money in WoW. This involves killing monsters and vendoring their drops. Legacy raids and dungeons are excellent options for this. In addition, the northern part of Felwood is a great place to farm Runecloth and Felcloth which can be sold quickly at the AH.

Another great option is to choose a gathering profession such as mining or herbalism. With these professions, you can run current content zones and gather valuable resources like Cobalt sorenite or Titan Steel. These can be sold at the Auction House for a good amount of gold. This is also a great option for players who don’t want to spend time farming dungeons and raids.


WoW players can earn reputation in factions by completing quests and challenges, but it takes time. To speed up the process, some players farm popular transmog items and sell them on the Auction House to earn a steady income. Others build their reputation to unlock faction-specific recipes and valuable epic items that can be sold for a profit. Gold sellers have criticized Blizzard’s lack of action against real money trading in World of Warcraft, including infrequent bans for bot accounts. They also highlight the prevalence of botting and teleporting to avoid detection by game masters. These methods are not only unfair to honest players, but they can devalue the currency and undermine the community.

Auction House

The auction house (AH) is where players sell their items that they don’t want or need. It is also where players can make the most money. The AH can be used to sell weapons, armor, trade goods, recipes and reagents.

The best time to post items is during a few different time frames depending on the day; 10:00-20:00 is called Peak Hours/Afternoon, 00:00-9:00 is Morning/Morning Peak Hours and 21:00-24:00 is Dead Zone/Night. It is also important to keep in mind that prices will change based on big patches.

An addon that is highly recommended for those looking to really dive into AH trading is Market Watcher. It is easy to use and has great reviews. It can help you maximize your profit by predicting when prices will be rising, normal or falling. It also helps you track your progress with graphs. It is a great alternative to Auctioneer and has less memory usage. It is an addon that I personally use.

Dungeons & Raids

Another great way to make gold is to complete dungeons. This is especially true for older content, as many popular transmog sets drop from these dungeons. Additionally, the chest after the last boss in ZF drops items that can be sold on the AH for a large amount of gold. Also, if you have multiple alts, manning command tables can be a good passive source of gold. Finally, if you have a high population server, taking advantage of the LFR queues is a great way to make gold.